Association Etoile Culturelle d’Akbou

Objectif : • To promote youth activities through various fields. Activities: Art education: This activity aims to promote young amateur artists in theatre, paint, music and poesies. We organize three big events by a year: * A cultural festival that includes more than 500 participants and permits a meeting of different cultures of Algeria and Africa. A theatre festival: It permits to amateur troups to introduce and express their products. Poesy is festival: It is a space where poets meet and exchange experiences about poesy rules. Health education: With the partnership of the global fund, we have organized many activities al over the country to make the population award about the danger of AIDS. We have mostly worked with students, collegians and hotels customers. Environment education: This activity consists on the creation of “green clubs” in schools; give them documents and all required means to make their environment better and cleaner. Euormed projects: July 2004: Action one “for an active citizenship” with 40 young people and 8 leaders from Algeria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, France; Italy, Spain and Portugal December 2004: Action 05 “preservation of natural parks “with 8 partners from Belgium, Turkey, Tunisia, Spain, Denmark, Jordan and France. 2008-2009: A project about culture with NGO2 2008: A project about “education through cinema” Other projects: Young citizen school: The school is intended for youngs who are exclude from school, we give them another chance to intend again their exams by giving them lectures an internet space and a library .They are also taught human rights values, health education and environment education and we involve them in our activities according to their profile and choice. Alphabetization: This activity gives an opportunity for old people who have never gone to school to learn how to read and write.

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