Association du Pacte des Compétences Tunisiennes Engagées

The Covenant Skills Tunisian Engaged (PACT) for the stability and reconstruction of modern Tunisia, after the revolution of the Tunisian people.
I, (e) citizen (do) Tunisia (do) or Tunisia (do) core, m ‘committed to preserving and defending the gains of the revolution of the Tunisian people of 14 January 2011, and I am committed to:

Put my skills and experience to the service of the nation and its sovereign people.
To help ensure a dignified life for every Tunisian citizen.
Having integrity, serve the national interest, militate against corruption, favoritism, personality cult , injustice and all forms of exclusion.
Working for the guarantee of freedom maintaining any extremist drift.
Respect democracy in Tunisia tomorrow and pluralism of its political landscape.
Support participatory approaches for better representation civil society.
Helping to ensure equal opportunities for all Tunisians and in all regions.

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