Association Cultivons la Paix

For peace and non-violence prevail,
our association “Growing Peace” has set the following objectives:

1) To strengthen a culture of peace and non-violence through education

by the revision of educational programs to promote the values, behaviors and lifestyles that promote a culture of peace, including peaceful conflict resolution, dialogue, consensus building and non-violence.
A such an educational approach should also be dictated by the following complementary objectives:

2) To promote sustainable economic and social development

by reducing economic and social inequalities, poverty eradication, sustainable food security, social justice, sustainable solutions to debt problems, empowerment of women, special measures for groups with special needs, environmental sustainability …

3) Promote mediation in peaceful conflict resolution

Mediation is a promising and economical instrument for the peaceful settlement of disputes and the prevention and resolution of conflicts, it allows to help the parties find themselves out of the crisis through an amicable and lasting solution to their conflict

4) Promoting respect for all human rights

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