Association Afak

Mission is to develop the infrastructure of primary schools in the region, creating a classroom climate and help students perceive the school as a pleasant environment.


There can be no development without the participation of all in the common effort. Our actions and most everyday attitudes have a direct impact on our development, whether the quality of our products and services, management of our resources, the quality of our living environment …

Yet the majority of the population is not aware of the possible link between our daily behavior and development. This requires a level of individual and collective consciousness that is neither innate nor given, but that is acquired, built and forge through education and that makes each of us responsible citizens player development.

Educating is not only to impart knowledge, know-how or skills. It is primarily developed within the population of moral values able to form better citizens. Now the school, university and family are no longer able by themselves to fulfill this mission. It was time that civil society as a whole participates in the emergence of a civic consciousness.

Thus, a number of volunteers willing to contribute to the development of Morocco decided in 1995 to act through the creation of a non-governmental non-profit, AFAK Moroccan Association for citizenship and development.


Promoting behaviors and attitudes favorable to development
Promote citizenship and civic awareness
Participate in the civic education of children and youth.
Help rehabilitate the ethical and moral values such as tolerance, solidarity, honesty …

Action Area

AFAK Citizenship and Development conducts awareness and information, as well as actions on the ground in the following areas:

Love of country
Rights and duties
Respect for others
Solidarity, tolerance …


Compliance with commitments
Promoting a quality culture
Fight against smuggling …


Protection of the natural and built heritage
Saving water and energy
Improving quality of life …


individual and collective hygiene
Prevention of domestic accidents
Prevention of road traffic accidents
Household waste management …

Intervention methods

In terms of changing behavior and attitudes, ways of IEC (information, education, communication) are accepted as the most effective.
radio programs
multimedia campaigns: press, billboards, radio and television
field actions
Edition of educational materials

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