Arab Agronomists Association

AAA aims at contributing towards achieving an integrated rural development. Since its registration in 1992 AAA is considered PARC’s vocational wing (Agricultural Development Association- PARC), which provides technical training and extension. As a specialized technical vocational association AAA executes various programs corresponding with PARC’s general strategy. AAA programs are:

  • New graduate Agronomists’ training Program.
  • Agricultural Extension Program.
  • Higher Studies & research in Sustainable Rural Development Program.
  • Regional Cooperation Program.

Since its establishment in 1983 PARC as a leading Palestinian NGO aimed at participating in achieving sustained and integrated development of Palestinian society in order to provide better quality of life.

To achieve this objective PARC was and still is active in rural development, environment protection and enhancing rural women’s role and status. PARC offers extension, raises awareness, and provides supporting activities and services for individuals, groups and organizations, working in the same field. PARC reties on various departments and specialized societies that are integrated in PARC.

AAA Objectives:

Through the above mentioned AAA seeks to achieve the following:

    • Assisting new graduates to find job opportunities.
    • Raising the scientific, cultural and technical level of the newly graduated agronomists.
    • Implementing developmental agricultural projects that are congruent with AAA objectives.
    • Conducting research papers, studies and surveys in addition to providing agricultural services.
    • Contributing towards solving collective problems faced by the members such as housing, health insurance, university education…
    • Loaning agronomists or participating in their productive projects, which correspond with AAA objectives.
    • Providing technical extension and consultancy services in the field of IPM, organic farming, bio diversity and local seed enhancement.
    • Contributing towards connecting applied research centers with the targeted groups of women, farmers and youth.
    • Contributing towards documenting local capabilities and experiences and connecting these experts with local, regional and international organizations.

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