Apollon Association for Culture and Arts

Apollon has developed its vision and objectives by setting a line shares in his image and that tends to ensure- A society based on peace and security in neighborhoods, areas rural, villages and towns where citizens are treated with respect and dignity.

Association Apollon cultural association of art founded by a group of young people amid political path, and social and cultural Asir in the city complain about the lack of cultural spaces and founders chose the way of culture to build a society and its evolution, and despite the modern knowledge work associative and lack of resources have chosen a space for their activities hoping to spread a culture based street citizenship and defense of human rights through various technical and adhesion concerns of the street expressions.


Apollon association founded first way to Ashklah by a group of individuals in the month of October 2012 at the Palais Crescent City. Then I received a legal visa in January 2013 published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia under number 2013S00078APSF1 on 19 January 2013 Number 9 Page 411.

See Assembly:

Based institution texts Assembly on alternative and specific approach about the cultural reality and secured in Tonstava of the spectrum, the founders of the Assembly believe that he can not be the promotion of cultural policy in the long run only by local management policy and independent culture of regional and re-considered as the primary guarantor of sustainable development.

Assembly works:

Launched works Assembly actually in the month of December 2012 through a demonstration Tasawr the street in which he participated Photographers young professionals and amateurs and was a space display one yards City Palace Hilal, originally established annual event include many of the arts and have its space squares and streets to be artistic expressions reflection of worries street and carrier core Qziah.

Assembly works:

Create new cultural spaces beyond the traditional frameworks own spaces.
Framing artistic energies and talents of young people and push for creativity in all artistic expressions.
Strengthen the culture of sharing and freedom of exchange and production of knowledge in the community by using the available technical and cultural.
Push artistic expressions to be carriers of the human issues and deal with the daily reality.
Create a partnership with associations and national and international organizations and mechanisms devoted to dialogue with them.

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