The Animal Encounter (AE) is a unique experience by itself. We have established it in 1993 with the aim of biodiversity conservation. Going out of war, people main worries were to secure their basic living requirements and biodiversity was their least concern.
As for us, at the Animal Encounter, we had a mission of spreading our conservation message, through environmental education and changing as much as we can of the people’s attitudes towards wildlife, thus securing one the basic requirements for the survival of the human being. Surprisingly, the results jumped beyond our expectations. Our outreach programs attained more than 20,000 students /year and more than 7,000 visitors. As a part of a PhD research, we found through AE awareness programs that >80% of the visitors changed their attitudes towards wildlife.
We made the AE a reference for wildlife lovers or for those who came across sick, injured, hunted animals needing special care and shelter.
We rehabilitated hundreds of injured migratory birds brought by concerned citizens who showed confidence of the conservation mission that we lead. The Captive Breeding program was another success: different animal species are breeding, like hyaenas, jackals…, and their offspring are being released back to the wild. Our mission is not stopping here. We wanted to make the students benefit from this environmental education, at every second while visiting:
1. They are able to learn about the indigenous herbs, bushes and trees, at our small botanical garden, thus appreciating wilderness.
2. Introducing the students through what we created: the environmental kit. Planting, reusing, and eating nutritious “old fruits” was an income generating for needy women in the region and traditional farmers, which secured sustainability and did good for a major sector of the environment.
Aiming for one year plant beans…, aiming for ten years plant trees…, aiming for the future educate people…
A country with educated and aware community, on the importance of its wildlife, will enable and encourage the appreciation of their belongings and therefore conservation. Sustainability of their environment would be a result of this awareness to conserve their precious environment for their generation and all generations to come. Acting locally will enhance it globally.
The Animal Encounter’s mission is to advance understanding of wildlife by:
Promoting awareness through education programs on biodiversity conservation, with a rich and diversified related topics and sessions, targeting all age groups, students and public, along with hands-on wildlife programs and environmental activities/games. A library with updated topics and issues is open for students and researchers.
Exploring different native animals and plants in Lebanon, through live tours in the center and walks in nature.
Protecting, propagating through captive breeding, and releasing wild birds and other animals when cured so that each of us make more environmentally sensitive decisions in our daily lives.
Promoting awareness through the center’s education programs and boards, hands on with live tours, as well through the newly established wildlife resource center (Books, Media, Journals, etc…).
Exploring different native animals and plants in Lebanon.
Protecting, propagating and releasing wild birds and other animals when cured.