Amin Media Network

Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN) is an independent Palestinian non-governmental organization that was founded in Jerusalem in 1996 and that promotes the development of an independent public media sector in Palestine.

A free Palestinian media that informs the public and promotes democracy and accountability.
AMIN helps to uphold the media professionals’ freedom of speech and helps to improve their professionalism, objectivity and their capacity to increase diversity in the Palestinian media.

What are our objectives?
AMIN strives for:
– a Palestinian media that supports human rights, social justice, civil society and local sustainable development;
–  a politically engaged Palestinian youth that uses social media to convey its message.
–  institutional, policy and legal reforms that support greater freedom and independence of the Palestinian media.
–  a stronger role of the local media and citizen journalists supporting freedom of expression, local development, and civil society.
How do we work?
To achieve our objectives we partner and work with local and international organizations to implement our initiatives and projects.
–  organizes specialized trainings on print, radio, television, and social media.
–  organizes meetings, workshops and conferences in order to improve capacity building of the Palestinian media sector
–  provides platforms for journalists and representatives of government institutions to openly discuss sensitive media-government related issues
– provides technical resources to social media activists, individuals, media outlets, and government institutions
– organizes events recognizing and celebrating achievements in the media sector
AMIN has trained journalists, media professionals, academics, decision makers, security personnel, students and citizens from both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.


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