Alliances For Arab Women
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Alliance for Arab Women is a non-governmental organization, Flagrant in Ministry of Social Affairs in 1987 under the number 154, was adjust their positions according to the law No. 184 of 2000, it target cultural and social side, as it work as an umbrella to a network of NGOs and cooperates with other Egyptian and Arab organizations to provide women with basic human security through influencing policies and legislations, and through providing services and programs within the frame work of human rights..

The Association configures network of 350 NGOs spread throughout the Republic; those organizations participate in the projects implemented by the Association. Also collaborated with a number of donors like,Swiss fund, USAID, UNDP, WITO, UN Women and UNICEF.

AAW has a consultative status with the UN ( ECOSOC) since1996. It has been selected, as the coordinator of Arab NGOs to prepare and participate in the 4th International Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, to deliver the Arab NGOs statement in the UN General Assembly in 2000.


The Alliance for Arab Women strives to increase the capacity of women to be active and equal participants in their communities as well as to promote and strengthen the role of women in society.


The Alliance cooperates with other stakeholders – such as workers’ unions,universities and media – to raise awareness for women’s rights. For a better future and in order to improve the present situation of the Egyptian woman, the Alliance aims to achieve the following objectives:

- Advocate models of programs and services relevant to the real needs of Arab Women,particularly those of the disadvantaged group

- Organize training programs to improve the socio-economic status of women and to enable them to deal effectively with various institutions

- Convene different kinds of meetings for open dialogue among those concerned and involved in Arab women’s issues and for raising the awareness within the Arab region

- Disseminate the knowledge, the skills and the attitudes, which will improve the various patterns of behavior within the Arab family

- Establish relationships with various organizations concerned with the problems of women

AAW General Assembly includes 150 members from both sexes; from different Arab countries,and Assembly includes members of the specialists in various fields between the jurists and university professors, journalists and lawyers.

A. Administration Council of the Association:

Names of members of the Board of Directors present:according to the alphabetical order

1. Mr. / Ahmed Rajai

2. Professor / Amira Ibrahim

3. Professor / Amira Abdel-Fattah

4. Professor / Daad safety

5. Dr / Fatima Khafagy

6. Professor / Leila Lababidi

7. Dr / Madiha El Safty

8. Professor / Mian Raslan

9. Professor / Nadia Monastery

10. Dr / Nadia Halim

11. Professor / Nazly Sherbini

12. Dr / noble Ibrashi

13. Professor / Nefertiti Toson

14. Dr / Huda Al Saadi

15. Dr / Hoda Badran

Members of the Executive Committee:

1. Dr / Hoda Badran, Chairman of the Board

2. Professor / Leila Lababidi Vice Chairman of the Board

(In case of apology Chairman of theBoard to attend the meeting of the Committee)

3. Dr / noble Ibrashi Council Secretary

4. Professor / Daad safety Treasurer

5. Professor / Nazly Sherbini member

6. Dr / Madiha El Safty member

A great project that managed to engage women -very insightful!

Thank you for helping us in Menya
The Association works as an umbrella network of NGOs and collaborate with other bodies and other institutions and organizations in Egypt and Arab countries to the advancement of women by influencing policy and legislation and the provision of services and programs that provide her security and safety in accordance with the system of integrated human rights.

Phone Number
Adli Street, 28


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