Al-Tariq The Palestinian Institution for Development and Democracy


  • Educating youth and adults on the values of democracy, especially non-violent conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation.
  • Empowering Palestinian women, so that they can influence and contribute to the political leadership and society as a whole.
  • Creating a youth movement of Al-Tariq through diverse educational activities, training courses and clubs for children.
  • Establishing networks with other Palestinian organizations that believe in the same goals, and are supported by a worldwide network of governments and organizations that assist the Palestinian people in creating a democratic Palestinian State.
  • Influencing the Arabic and international media to recognize the strong peace camp in Palestine and to condemn those who call for violence.
  • Facilitating and supporting dialogue with Israelis based on mutual respect and equality.
  • Supporting local leaders by training and implementing the values of democracy on a local level, which can then influence the social and political landscape of our entire region.

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