Al-Kasaba Theater und Kino Palestine

Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque is a Palestinian specialized cultural non-governmental organization established in 1970 in Jerusalem. Al Kasaba Theatre was opened in Ramallah city in June 2000. The Theatre & Cinematheque aims to activate cultural life in Palestine by producing theatre productions and hosting artistic shows in the fields of theatre, music and dance, and organizing film weeks and festivals in addition to daily film screenings.

Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque is a non–governmental cultural organization registered at the Palestinian Interior Ministry as an NGO according to the law of charitable associations no. (1) For the year 2000 under registration No. (RA–2286-CU). Besides, Al Kasaba is registered at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture under registration no. (R/1000/2003).

Al Kasaba Theatre was established in Jerusalem 1970 with the name of Theatre Arts group. This name was changed in 1984 to become the Shawk Theatre. In order to adapt and meet the experimental theatre requirements the group changed the name again in 1986 to become the Artistic Workshop.

In 1989 Al Kasaba Theatre was renovated in Jerusalem to host cinema and theatre activities also as an exhibition and a restaurant.

In 1998 the renovation of Al Jameel Cinema that was closed in 1987 started to become Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque.  This place which was opened in the early 90’s as a theatre (Al Siraj Theatre), was not well equipped.

Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque is the first place that meet the artistic and technical requirement, and the only place where the Palestinian artists, actors and filmmakers can use to produce and show their productions.

Since it was opened in June 2000, Al Kasaba Theatre and Cinematheque in Ramallah it became the address of creativity and the most important artistic venue in Palestine.


Our mission is to disseminate and promote theater and cinematic arts in Palestine, to contribute to the animation of the theatre and cinema movement in Palestine, and to contribute to deepen cultural local, Arab and international communication.


  • To develop skills in the fields of culture and arts.
  • To promote and disseminate theatre arts among children.
  • To create and encourage people to participate in art activities and urge them to see stage performances and films.

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