Women Program Association

The origin of WPA, go back to 1953, when United Nations Relief and Work Agency in the Near east (UNRWA) set up a tailoring activity for women in Palestinian camps in Lebanon.
In 1992, the number of women programs centres in Lebanon amounted to nine centres, working within the Palestinian camps to provide women with education and vocational training, in addition to other activities.
Between 1992-2000, the agency amended its working strategy with centres to become independent volunteering-based institutions, the management of which is administered by administrative commissions, elected by the local community every three years.
The department of relief and social service continued to work, through the women program, to enhance the autonomy of these centres and enable them, through material and technical support, to be community institution capable of providing sustainable social service for the poor and the marginalized.
In March 2008, the Women Programs Centres were officially licensed under the Women Program Association, License No 344, regrouping nine women program centres (to have the opportunity to obtain funding opportunities to ensure their sustainability).

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