Arab Youth Survey 2017

Interesting findings by ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller in their annual Arab Youth Survey 2017

1. Optimism among young Arabs is waning, with a clear split by geography into “haves” and “have nots”

2. Young Arabs want their countries to do more for them and many feel overlooked by policymakers
3. Young Arabs view unemployment and extremism as the biggest problems holding the Middle East back
4. Many young Arabs say their education system falls short of preparing students for jobs of the future
5. Young Arabs say Daesh has become weaker over the past year
6. The UAE sprints ahead of the pack as the country in which most young Arabs would like to live and want their countries to emulate
7. Young Arabs say Donald Trump is anti-Muslim and express concern, anger, and fear about his presidency
8. Anti-American views are on the rise and now Russia – not the US – is seen as the region’s top international ally
9. Despite their pride in the Arabic language, most young Arabs say they are using English more in their daily lives
10. Among young Arabs, Facebook is the number one medium for daily news


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